Adoption requirements
The following eligibility criteria for adoption are in line with those of other specialty breed cat rescues, aiming to optimize the physical and mental health of the adopted Bengal, minimizing the risk of injury to the adopted Bengal, and minimizing the likelihood of re-homing. Information gathered at each step guides adoption decisions, with each cat's best interest at heart.
Applicants must meet the following criteria to be eligible for adoption:
- History of consistent, annual veterinary care (e.g., wellness exams, vaccines when due*, medical visits as needed, spay/neutered; FELV/FIV test results) provided to all cats and dogs in the family. *NOTE: Exceptions to annual vaccination are made based on case-specific factors (concurrent medical illnesses, advanced age, etc.)
- Will not declaw the adopted Bengal
- Will keep the adopted Bengal inside, in an escape-proof catio (a patio for cats), and/or in a harness/leash for supervised walks outside
- Does not have cat(s) or dog(s) in the family that are aggressive to cats
- Has ample free time to spend with the adopted Bengal
Has the financial ability to provide proper vet care
Applicable to Applicants Who Rent:
- Evidence from the property owner/manager that the rental lease permits the adoption of a cat and that declawing is not required